KM484 AM Radio IC

Price: $2.97 Each

Part Number: KM484

In Stock


The KM484 is a AM radio receiver IC which has automatic gain and up to 72 db gain. It is cased in a TO-92 Case that looks like a transistor. The KM-484 runs on 1.1 to 1.8 volts so a single 1 1/2 volt battery will work. The KM484 needs very few external parts to build an AM radio. The KM-484 needs a tuning Capacitor and Ferrite Rod Coil or also known as a loopstick antenna we sell both items.

The YS414, TA7642, UTC7642, CD7642 and KM484 are the same as the MK484 only different manufactures.

Internal Circuit Diagram for the MK484 same as the KM484.